My name is Mark Baldwin and I have been in the escort business for well over 15 years. I am located in Niles MI. Let me tell you a little about my comapany

  I first started escorting  modular homes after having the experience of delivering them for 2 years.After escorting the homes,I decided to start escorting the heavy hauls,supers and such.I have started this escort company to  assist other brokers and independents as much as I am able. I have driven many years, however I am now only able to broker due to health issues. 

  I do have 2 and sometimes more drivers available. They are all insured and certified as each state in the U.S. requires. I am sorry but at this time we do not run into Cananda. 

The mission of Security Pilot Services is to instill the importance of excellent customer service.We have never had a claim of damage or escort  vs.driver issues. Our drviers are always to be neat and clean in appearance and the vehicles must be well maintained,clean with all signs in place.Maintenance reports turned into me every 30 days on any vehicles that carry Security Pilot Car Servcies name. We look forward to seving you with excellence.

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